E. S. Educational Charities is aiming at fulfilling the educational, cultural, social and other aspirations of the people in and around Villupuram district. Shri. E. Swamikkannu is the Founder Chairman of the E. S. Educational Charities and his sincere, unrelenting efforts have led to the establishment of several institutions in Villupuram under the auspices of E. S. group. TACW is established with a missionary zeal for imparting quality education to the socially, economically and educationally deprived people of this Villupuram district. “My vision in founding the college was to impart higher education to girls and to make them self-reliant. I felt that women are the greatest national asset and by teaching one woman, we teach the whole family.
"TACW is the right place for them where one can learn, interact, grow and discover"