A Subject of Understanding Life’s Secret………
The discipline of Biochemistry involves the study of the structure and function of biomolecules and the vital processes that occur in living organisms. It is regarded as Mother of all Biological Science disciplines because it unveils the chemical basis of life in all living organisms including plants, animals and microorganisms. Biochemistry has contributed enormously to the growth of modern medical and health science and agriculture.
Biochemistry has applications in clinical diagnosis, understanding pathology of diseases, treatment of diseases, designing of drugs and understanding their metabolism and manufacture of various biological products like amino acids, proteins, antibiotics, hormones, enzymes, nutrients, etc. Understanding the biochemical basis of vital processes of plants such as photosynthesis, respiration, hormonal regulation, nutrient assimilation have helped in developing superior varieties of crop plants with better growth attributes and yield. The functions and roles of various nutrients are described only by biochemistry. The composition of food materials including the quality-milk and possible adulterations can be checked by biochemical tests.
Biochemistry has played a vital role in farming, fishery, poultry, sericulture, bee keeping and in environmental remediation. Keeping in pace with the developmental trends in various subareas of Biochemistry it is expected that the students undertaking Biochemistry programme at undergraduate, postgraduate and research level will make a student more familiar with the fundamentals, techniques and research tools and at the same time at the end of the programme they exhibit certain levels of learning outcomes. Such learning outcomes include understanding of discipline, critical thinking, problem solving, analytical and scientific reasoning, research/industry related skills, etc. will empower the students to develop their future career with a much better and meaningful orientation.
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